Saturday, 28 April 2012

A Trailer to show wat my blog is about!! :)

Love is..........

The child's affection towards his puppy...

The first gift every mom gives her child when he/she is born...

The element of bonding between mother and father...

The sweet dance between them... :)

The music which never irritates...

The doing without any expectation...


Friday, 27 April 2012

My First Step.... Good Morning all !! :) Welcome to my blog!!

Today!!! 28th of April'12 I created my blog :)... I am really excited !! Dunno hw cme this blog wil reach ppl.... Am still happier that I could share what is love to ppl !! Share your own thoughts abt luv... Love is Life... There is no life without love... wish me happy blogging!!  Hope I will satisfy your expectations...